Simple URLs

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Restrict WordPress plugin has a nice integration with Simple URLs plugin. This plugin allows you to seamlessly create page redirections and mask the URLs of the original page.

So, with the Simple URLs plugin installed on your website, you will notice that another option tab appears in Restrict plugin labeled Simple URLs:


You can select here the type of redirection which can be either Page or URL. If Page is selected, then you can select below a page to which the user should be redirected if they attempt to access restricted URL. Similarly to this, if you select URL, then you will be able to enter a specific URL to which you want a user to get redirected.


Now, for this to work, you should first navigate to Simple URLs area of your website by selecting it from the menu on the left:


Once there, click the Add New button to create a new redirection where you should then enter URL that you want to create a redirection for:

Right below the URL field, you will find familiar dropdown menu of Restrict plugin labeled Content Available To where you can select a criteria based on which the above URL will be accessible. So, for example, if we select here, say, Logged in users and and then attempt to visit the redirection URL as logged out user, we will be redirected in accordance to the setting that we have previously set within Restrict’s settings (to the specific URL or page).