I want to know how Restrict WordPress plugin works

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Restrict comes in two variants which are two separate plugins: There is Restrict for WordPress and Restrict for Elementor.

Restrict for WordPress is a lightweight WordPress plugin that allows you to easily block the content on your website depending on various criteria. Once installed, you can use it to affect the visibility of the content of pages or posts, post categories, menu items and widgets. Also, Restrict can be used for restricting access to the part of the content using auto-generated shortcodes. Criteria available for access restriction are: logged in users, users with specific role, users with specific capability and logged out users. Apart from this Restrict also has a seamless integration with Tickera, WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads allowing you to restrict the access to the content using Tickera and/or WooCommerce specific criteria.


Restrict for Elementor is a whole different plugin and it relies entirely on Elementor page builder making it possible for you to control visibility of Elementor’s sections, columns and widgets. When Restrict for Elementor is installed on the same website where you have Elementor page builder, you will be able to use criteria such as logged-in users, users with specific role, users with specific capability, users with specific meta value and post author. It also integrates with WooCommerce, Tickera and Easy Digital Downloads so that you can use criteria specific to these plugins to control visibility of Elementor’s sections, columns and widgets. Additionally, you can use visitor location as criteria, which relies on functionality of Geolocation IP Detection plugin.